Senjkovic Vineyard
On the island of Brac and the lean rocky soil the vines has grown on the family Senjkovic vineyard for more than 40 years,on more than 5 acres it grows different varieties Plavac Mali ( grandfather of Zinfandel ) ( as the most represented domestic varieties ), but also Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon matures here .
Mediterranean sun caress the grapes with their strong rays and workers take care of each vine , and later by thinning selected the best grapes out and you get a grape with a high sugar content and rich aroma. The handpicked grapes are gathered and under the supervision of a wine expert, and with our experience and tradition , we get wines of the highest quality wine matures in oak barrels, in the family `s old wine cellar, under the close supervision of each stage of development in terms of aroma, flavor and maturity.
After a year in oak barrels and six months in the bottle , we proudly sell the wine with the highest quality combination of , a great deal of work , love and care for the natural, flavored and colored by the scents of the sun and the earth from our island of Brac. I am proud to invite you to a visit to my family’s wine cellar, Magdalena says.
If you get bored and need something for the soul , I can highly recommend a visit to Senjkovic vineyard in the small beautiful village Dracevisca .
This is the taste when Croatia ‘s best
Genuine people with a passion for the simple and qualitative rather than creating large volumes of lower quality as the final result. When you get to Dračevica you must go to the little square in the middle of the village, where progress certainly a competition boules ( bocanje ) between the older men in the village. Stone houses breathes history and one can feel the pain the people here have endured for at all able överleva.Sätt you in the shade of the big tree in the middle of the square and immortalize your visit with some photography.
Just 100 meters from the village center is the wine cellar, and prepare yourself for a few hours of amazing taste experiences and stories about how wine really works.
Family Senjković from the island of Brac belongs to a new generation of Croatian winemakers , although their winemaking tradition goes way back , to the days when old grandfather tried to get the vines to grow on rocky and lean ground. He , he would have been proud now, when the vineyard is finally flourishing and that previously were seen as evidence of poverty is now seen as an acknowledgment of quality. ( Hand- pick) Their best wine Bosso was named after him (his nickname ) and his picture is on the label. Modern design and contemporary wines for the future, but to maintain the connection with their own tradition and history , it is Senjković recipe for success and that is why we love them.